We know letting off a bit of steam can help us work better - but that's not why we do it. We play and we organize ways to enjoy each other's company because fundamentally, we are one team, and the bonds we create transcend beyond just the work we do.
The Ministry of Fun, AKA the 'MoF' was conceived quite early on in our history. It is an in-house committee peopled by employees who decide the style and temperament of the events the rest of us get to enjoy every year. They organize both competitive and non-competitive events, from inter-tribe games and tournaments to our annual Avurudu Uthsavaya.
To create a sense of playful rivalry, everyone is sorted into one of eight ‘tribes’ which compete in events throughout the year to win the coveted tribe cup.

We have a growing body of employee initiated-and-led clubs that revolve around a wide variety of hobbies and interests.