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Quality Engineering
At Sysco LABS, we take a holistic approach to quality engineering. Not limited to merely testing our products at the end of the development lifecycle, our quality engineers engage in all stages of the development process and are an integral part of our engineering teams rather than an outside entity.

Just like our products, our quality process is under continuous improvement. QE involvement in the development process begins at its inception - we perform a detailed analysis and elaboration of the feature requirements outlined by business analysts. In this sense, our quality engineers are domain experts to an extent.

Quality engineers are the driving force of software quality in our engineering teams. They often discuss the detailed requirements with developers in feature walkthrough meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page, and that the product and test suite arise from the same requirement source. This minimizes the likelihood of test-product mismatches, an all too common problem in the software industry.
While tests are considered common assets (the entire team has access to them and are expected to utilize them in their work), it is the QEs who develop and maintain the test suites. Despite the size and complexity of our product suite, 70-90% of our testing is automated. This eliminates much of the day-to-day drudgery of the traditional quality engineer, freeing their minds to focus on product quality in a more intelligent manner.